How Inconvenient Is It Not Having a Spare Tire When You Get a Flat Tire?

It's a serious headache!
Specially when you're travelling long distance and get a flat tire in an isolated area miles away from a city or a populated area. But add kids and pets to the equation at 2:00 a.m. and it becomes an absolute headache!
For years, car manufacturers have not included spare tires on some new vehicles in hopes of meeting fuel efficiency guidelines. Unfortunately, due to this decision of not including spare tires on some vehicles, thousands of unsuspecting motorists get to find out that their vehicle doesn’t have, nor it ever came with a spare tire the moment they get a flat tire and are stranded on the road. A few motorists get to experience this inconvenience at home as they head to their vehicle and notice that their tire went low to some this happens just a few blocks away, but the majority get to experience a total tire blowout that’s unrepairable miles and miles away from home without a spare tire and that’s when the headache begins.
If you’re in your city when this occurs and you have a roadside assistance membership of some sort, you can simply call your roadside assistance company and tell them that you do not have a spare tire and they could send a tow truck to tow you to an open local tire shop possibly located a couple of miles away and not go over the towing mile allotted on your membership which you then would need to pay out of pocket for the excess tow like $2.00 and up per mile after your towing mile limit gets exhausted. But this won’t do you any good if all tire shops are closed in the area because you would still be without the use of your car due to still having a flat tire. Yes, at least your car will be located at a tire shop ready to be serviced the next business day that the tire shop opens and since you live in that city you can simply get a ride home and wait for a tire to be installed.
But how about the thousands and thousands of unsuspecting motorists that this happens to them hundreds of miles away from home. If you get a flat tire hundreds of miles away from home without a spare tire the expenses go up the roof at exactly the time that you got a flat. Let us explain:
1. Since you’re not in your hometown or near friends or family and if this happens after business hours when tire shops are closed, most likely you’ll need a place to stay overnight specially if you have family with you in the vehicle so you’ll possibly need a hotel room which could cost a minimum of about $60.00 for one night.
2. You might need to pay for transportation to the hotel from the vehicle’s location so add that here $____.___.
3. If you stayed at a hotel overnight and you’re now ready to go back to the vehicle and the hotel does not have shuttle service, you’ll need to pay for transportation to get back there again so add that here $____.___.
4. Once at the vehicle if you have not gotten a hold of a mobile tire service provider you will need to do that so that you can coordinate a tire installation service. Depending on the tire and the service provider you select, this mobile service might cost you around $400.00 to $500.0 or more so add that here $____.____.
But if you had paid for a tow truck the previous night that would of cost you a hook-up fee and a per mile charge and you would still need to purchase a tire the next morning.
Not having a spare tire when you get a flat tire on a vehicle could be a real headache!
Now this is what we want to eliminate, our vision is for motorists everywhere who have a flat tire without a spare could simply access our website, search for the tire they need near them and get one delivered to them as soon as possible within a few hours or even within a few minutes depending on the distance from the nearest tire supplier and the time of day.